Friday, February 17, 2012

Gabrielle's Budget

a. what was the difference between Gabrielle's planned expenses and her actual expenses ?
       It was always more than what she planned to spend.
b. the areas in which she overspent was, her entertainment, clothing, personal items.
c. In what areas did she spend less than she planned ?
     i never saw her spend less i thought she was always spending to much.
d. How much did she have at the end of the month to put in savings ?
      i believe she had $230
e. No i dont think gabrielle was spending money wisely, she was spending way to much money on other stuff rather her fixed expenses, transportation, and irregular expenses.
f. i made her spend less on the others. Had her add more money to her planned expenses, that way she'll have left over money at the end.
g. $445
f. That she needs to plan to spend more, stop buying unnecessary items such as two tickets in one week, new running shoes, entertainment. And if she has money saved up after the end of the month use it for the stuff i listed above.

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