Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ways To Budget

Post Is about different ways i can SAVE & SPEND money better, (Budget) and how what we learned was helpful. Budgeting can help save you alot of money and can relieve alot of stress. Saving money can help you buy alot of things you want.

What i learned from the video was how to budget. I need to kno how much i need to spend a month. How much income i have coming each month, and ways to balance money on credit cards. The video offered different websites that are very useful. Since im going to be a college student in a couple of months they gave advice on ways college students can save & spend money efficiently, while im in college.

From the article i learned what a 50/30/20 is, how its set up, and how it will help me. 50/30/20 is a budget plan seperated into three categories. 50% is must haves, 30% wants, 20% savings and debt repayments.
Examples of must haves are housing, utilities, transportation, and food. Ex: wants vacations, gifts, entertainment, and clothes. Savings and debt repayments are consumer debt, savings for retirement, and emergency funds. I do think this budget is reasonalble it seperates everything. It will help you to financially stable, i'll probably use this method in the future.

The link i found gives you ways to save more on your bills, how budgeting helps to pay off debts, ways to save money on food and 30 more ways to save money and strengthen your budget. Its a very useful website.

This post explains different ways that you can save and spend money different methods and programs you can use, and different websites. This post explains why these methods are useful.

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